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Sam and Davy
Please check out our Quickstart video or read the manual. You can also check our how to video’s. It clearly describes the 1st steps to get Sam/Davy up and running. Once the settings are done, Sam/Davy will close their eyes every day and open them in the morning at preset time.
Please make sure you are using new alkaline batteries from a known brand. Change to a new set, to be sure the batteries are full. Some batteries might not have enough power to operate the eyes, like Zinc-carbon batteries.
Most probably the batteries are causing the problem. Please make sure batteries are not nearly empty and do not use Zinc-Carbon batteries, they are for low consumption products only. Use new good brand alkaline batteries only. Using other batteries might cause the product to not work properly.
Product does not work with USB cable.
Check if the adaptor you are using is working well. Change to another standard USB cable to check if that is the problem. If this is not the problem, try again while taking out the batteries completely.
If the power is turned off , does the sleeptrainer remember it’s settings?
When the power shuts off, the sleeptrainer will not remember it’s settings unless batteries are inserted. We therefore advise to insert the batteries as back up in case power shuts off.
How can I stop my child from playing with buttons and changing the settings?
The clock will enter key lock mode automatically after 1 minute. To manually activate the key lock: press the key lock button for 3 seconds. After activating the sleeptimer/wake-up time the key-lock is activated straight away, so that the settings cannot be changed anymore.
Can I separate the wake-up time from the alarm time?
Yes, when setting the naptime or wake-up time, you can separately set the alarm. So you can set the sound alarm at a later time than the opening of the eyes.
Please check our how to video’s for more information:
How to – Set the OK to wake time
How to – Set the alarm time
Can I switch off the orange screen, half an hour before wake-up?
It is not possible to switch off or change the time it turns on. The time is fixed at 30 minutes. If your child is still sleeping, the orange light will not wake him/her up. But if he/she does wake up, she knows straight away that it is not much longer by seeing the screen is orange.
How can I close Sam’s or Davy’s eyes?
In the menu you select a time that Sam/Davy will automatically close their eyes every day. If you want to close them earlier you can press the DOWN button for 3 seconds and the eyes will close.
Check our video on how to open/close the eyes manually here.
How can I see if the clock is key-locked?
In the top of the LCD screen the key-lock symbol will appear when it is activated.
How do I know if my clock is activated?
Sam or Davy is always activated. Once you have set the bedtime and OK to wake up time, he will automatically go to sleep every night and wake up every morning at the preset time.
What if Sam is just not listening at all?
Try resetting Sam by pushing the tiny button with a paperclip on the bottom of the clock. This will usually make him listen.
Check our video on how to reset Sam/Davy here.
Sometimes the buttons do not react when I press them. What is wrong?
Probably the key lock has been activated. To unlock press the keylock-button, right, for 3 sec.
Key-lock is activated automatically after the buttons have not been touched for 1 minute. This to prevent the settings to accidentally be changed.
If I do not want the alarm to sound, do I need to change the volume in the settings menu?
No, that is not necessary. In the menu (alarm clock icon) you can switch the alarm ON/OFF.
Is there a demo function to show my child the working of Sam?
Yes there is a demo function in the settings menu. This demo will go through the entire bedtime ritual in around 20 seconds with preset time, so not the actual time that you have entered. You can check out our how to video for the demo function here.
How long can I use the sleeptrainer when using batteries?
When using batteries, make sure you are using good alkaline batteries. Also we advise you to limit the nightlight to 5 minutes and select lowest brightness in the settings menu. Only then batteries will last around 4 weeks with normal use. With other settings the battery life will be decreased significantly.
I can’t find the off function in the naptimer menu, what can I do?
You have to set the naptimer each time you want to use it, so there is not an off function in the menu because it ends automatically.
Check our video on how to set the nap time.
Is it possible to set two wake up times so we can use a different wake up time for the weekends?
No, this is not possible.
What kind of adapter do I need for Sam/Davy?
We advise you to use a 5V,1A adapter.

FAQ Pam the penguin
Press the big round ON/OFF button on the bottom.
You can set the 60-minute timer by pressing the small clock and alarm button at the same time. Pam flashes once green when the timer is switched on and red if the timer is switched off.
This is not possible. The preset times can not be adjusted.
How do I switch on the wireless connection?
Press the clock and triangle button at the same time. The wireless speaker symbol will appear in the display if activated. In the bluetooth menu of your phone, look for ZAZU-PAM and connect.
How long does the wireless speaker stay connected?
If you use Pam with the timer, the bluetooth will switch off together with the light. If you use Pam without the timer, the connection stays as long as you are playing music/songs.
Why do I need to reconnect to the wireless speaker?
If Pam needs to ‘look’ for connection 24/7 it takes up too much battery.
How do I change the colour of the nightlight?
Press the big round button several times to get to your preferred colour.
How do I change the brightness of the nightlight?
Switch on the nightlight by pressing the big button, then keep the big button pressed. The brightness will change. Let go at the right brightness. Pam will remember this setting for next use.
How do I use Pam as a nightlight only?
Press the triangle button on the bottom for 3 seconds. In the display will appear a crossed out alarm clock. This means that the sleeptraining function is switched off.
What kind of adaptor do I need to use for charging?
You can use any 5Volt output adapter for charging. Most telephone adapters comply with this.
Pam does not charge.
If you place Pam on the charging dock, the light should flash blue when charging. If this does not happen, please check the adaptor and USB cable, by using another one if available. If both work fine and Pam still does not charge, please contact us.

FAQ Bobby the bear
Press the big button on the top for 3 seconds and Bobby’s eyes will close until it is OK to wake up.
Yes, every night at bedtime you close Bobby’s eyes by pressing the big button on top for 3 seconds.
Behind the lid on the bottom there is a knob with which you can lower the sound volume or switch off completely.
It might be that the batteries are nearly drained. They might have enough power to operate the digital clock but not enough to open/close the eyes. Please try using new batteries.

FAQ Brody the bear
Brody works on 3x AA Alkaline batteries.
You have to unlock the key-lock before you can change any settings, please check the manual with information on how to do this (PDF link on left side) and check our how to video on how to unlock the key-lock here.
No, this is not possible.
If the display does not show the ‘alarm clock’ icon in the left bottom of the display, your Brody is ready for nightlight/soundmachine only. If not follow below steps: > disable key-lock > Press the ‘triangle’ button (pointing upwards) until the ‘alarm clock’ icon disapears from the display. > The sleeptrainer function is now disabled and only the nightlight (in red color) and soundmachine are working.
First unlock the key-lock before you can change any settings. Switch on the nightlight by long pressing the shell button. Then press the ‘light bulb’ button until you reach the preferred brightness (HIGH-MEDIUM-LOW-OFF). Check our how to video here.

FAQ Lou and Billy
On the front of the nightlight you can find a big button. When you press this button, both the light of the owl/bear and the ring will turn ON. By pressing the OWL/BEAR button, on the left side of the little owl/bear, only the light of the owl/bear will turn ON. When you press the RING button, on the right side of the little owl/bear, only the light of the RING will turn ON.
You can turn on the timer function of the little owl/bear by pressing the OWL/BEAR button for 2 seconds. The owl/bear will flicker when the timer is activated. The timer function of the ring can be turned on by pressing the RING button for 2 seconds. Again, the light of the ring will flicker when the timer is activated.
The owl/bear will turn off after 60 minutes and the ring will turn off after 30 minutes.
You can find two sliders on the back of Lou/Billy. By sliding them back and forth you can separately adjust the brightness of the owl/bear and the ring.
On the back of Lou/Billy there’s a switch with a small ear. Put the switch on ON to activate the cry sensor and switch it to OFF to turn the cry sensor off.
When your child is crying the owl/bear will stay on for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes the light will automatically switch off.
Please check if the adaptor is working well by using another one. Also try Lou/Billy with another standard USB cable to check if the cable is the problem yes/no. If the problem persists please contact our customer service.

FAQ Fin the sheep
With the ON/OFF button. Press 1x for soft light. Press 2x for bright light. Press 3x to turn it OFF.
The lights will automatically switch off after 60 minutes.
When Fin is charging a small red light will light up. When Fin is fully charged this light will turn green.
The battery is fully charged after 10 hours.
A full battery will have a life of around 10 hours.

FAQ Gina the giraffe
The flash light automatically switches off after 10 minutes. So your child will not sleep with the bright light.
The nightlight switches off after 30 minutes. When Gina is charging, the nightlight can stay on the entire night.
Keep the nightlight button pressed and the colours will change. Let go when the preferred colour is showing. Gina will remember the setting for next time use.
If Gina is charging you should see a tiny red light next to the USB slot. If this is not the case, please try using another adaptor and if that does not solve the issue another USB cable if available. For further assistance contact our customer service.
Press the nightlight button and wait until the light switches OFF. It might take another few colours until you reach the off setting.

FAQ Max, Bo and Katie
Yes, on the top side of the module you can switch off the sound and use the light only.
It might be that the filling has been squeezed too much towards the belly area, so that there is not enough room for the module and the light there is easily pressed. Try to move the filling back upwards.
Depending on how many times it is activated it should last 4-6 weeks.

FAQ Wall light
Please check if there are any objects located within 60 cm of the light. It might interfere with the sensor. Also very rough wall finishing can interfere.
Please check on the backside of the light if the timer is switched on. This will explain why it switches off.
Tap with your nail on the ring and the colour will change. The light will remember the setting for next use.
Keep your hand fixated underneath the light. As long as your hand is in the beam, the light will slowly dim and get brighter. Take away your hand once the preferred brightness is reached. The light will remember the setting.
Swipe your hand underneath the light and it will switch ON or OFF.
It might be that the small magnet has shifted. Please feel if you can locate the magnet and bring it more to the surface.

FAQ Lex, Zack and Ellie
You can switch on/off the light by giving the tumbler a small push. In between on and off the light might stand still for a short while.
The light will automatically switch off after 30 minutes.
Yes, you can remove the plush cover and hand wash it.
By pressing the button several times, the colour of the light will change. The light will remember the setting for next use.
Yes, if you press the big button for 3 seconds the tumble sensor will be deactivated. By pressing the button again, the light will switch on and the tumble function will work again.

FAQ Emmy the elephant
Emmy can help your little one to clear the mind by playing calm breathing sound and projecting light on the ceiling getting bigger and smaller. Your little one will automatically focus and follow the calm breathing and pulse light and fall asleep more easily.
To switch Emmy on press the round button on the front, between the elephant paws.

FAQ Cody and Otto
In the first phase the light is bright and orange and blue fish are swimming around the room, together with soothing sound, this to grab the attention of the baby. In phase two the brightness is lower and the orange fish disappear, a more quiet environment. In phase three the waves and fish stop swimming and there is no more sound. The perfect setting to fall asleep.
This is correct. As of phase two of the sleep program the orange fish disappear, creating a more quiet environment to fall asleep.
This is correct. As of phase three of the sleep program the waves and fish stop moving. At this stage it is time to fall asleep so there will not be a lot of distractions anymore.
This is a defect, please contact the customer service.
Every time you start a new sleep program the cry sensor will be activated for 12 hours. Please note that you have to switch on the cry sensor on the bottom of the module.
Yes, you can hand wash the plush after the module has been removed.
Yes, on the bottom of the module there is a button with music choice, here you can set the switch to OFF.

FAQ Tim, Henry and Shally
In the first phase the light is bright. Orange and blue birds are flying around the room, together with soothing sound, this to grab the attention of the baby. In phase two the brightness is lower and the blue birds disappear, a more quiet environment. In phase three the sky and birds stop moving and there is no more sound. The perfect setting to fall asleep.
This is correct. As of phase two of the sleep program the blue birds disappear, creating a more quiet environment to fall asleep.
This is correct. As of phase three of the sleep program the sky and birds stop moving. At this stage it is time to fall asleep so there will not be a lot of distractions anymore.
This is a defect, please contact the customer service.
Every time you start a new sleep program the cry sensor will be activated for 12 hours. Please note that you have to switch on the cry sensor on the bottom of the module.
Yes, you can hand wash the plush after the module has been removed.
Yes, on the bottom of the module there is a button with music choice, here you can set the switch to OFF.

FAQ Wally the whale
Set the switch on the bottom in the ON position. The cry sensor will then be active for 12 hours every time to switch Wally on. Depending on the distance to your child, the cry sensor will activate upon crying.
Use the velcro strap that came with the product. On the bottom of Wally there are loops where you can put the strap.
Yes, you can switch off the sound on the bottom with the sound switch.

FAQ Kiki, Harry, Ruby and Leo
Press the cry sensor button for 3 seconds. The light will flash green when activated and red when deactivated. The cry sensor will then be active for 12 hours every time to activate the projector. Depending on the distance to your child, the cry sensor will activate upon crying.
Yes, you can hand wash the plush after the module has been removed.
Yes, if you only press the projection button there will be light only, no sound.

FAQ Pip, Paul and Howy
It is not advised to place the bag on a metal rack, better to place on a glass plate. Make sure the surface is clean. Take the bag out of the plush animal.
Depending on how warm it was when started, it should stay warm for around an hour.
Yes, you can place the bag in the freezer for a couple of hours and then it will gently cool the area you put it on.

FAQ Danny the dog
By squeezing the foot with the triangle, the play mode will start. To stop you can press the foot again.
By squeezing the foot with the music note, the sing-a-long mode will start. To stop you can press the foot again.
Yes, on the bottom of the product there is an ON/OFF switch.
Probably the filling has shifted a little bit. Try moving the filling a bit away from the ears, this gives the ears more room to move in front of the eyes.

FAQ Timo and Chloe
By squeezing the foot with the triangle, the play mode will start. To stop you can press the foot again.
By squeezing the foot with the music note, the sing-a-long mode will start. To stop you can press the foot again.
Yes, on the bottom of the product there is an ON/OFF switch.
Probably the filling has shifted a little bit. Try moving the filling a bit away from the ears, this gives the ears more room to move in front of the eyes.

FAQ Felix, Robin and Becky
You can play heartbeat sound, nature sounds, white noise and 3 calming melodies.
You can adjust the volume yourself by pressing the volume button up or down.
The sound turns off automatically after 10 minutes.
Press the cry sensor button, when activated the small LED light will light up. The sensor will be activated for 12 hours. It will activate the last played song.
The sound sensor will be activated upon crying. This means that there should be a significant amount of sound. We advise to place the module within 60 cm of your child to be able to pick up enough sound to activate. With or without the plush will make a difference, without plush the module will activate more quickly.
Yes. The sensor can be turned on or off as desired.
The plush is washable in the machine but remove the heartbeat module beforehand.

FAQ Dex, Liz, Don, Coco and Bibi
The plush animals can play heartbeat sound, nature sounds, white noise and 3 calming melodies.
You can adjust the volume yourself by pressing the volume button up or down.
The sound turns off automatically after 10 minutes.
Press the cry sensor button, when activated the small LED light will light up. The sensor will be activated for 12 hours. It will activate the last played song.
The sound sensor will be activated upon crying. This means that there should be a significant amount of sound. We advise to place the module within 60 cm of your child to be able to pick up enough sound to activate. With or without the plush will make a difference, without plush the module will activate more quickly.
Yes. The sensor can be turned on or off as desired.
The plush is washable in the machine but remove the heartbeat module beforehand.

FAQ Dex, Liz, Don, Coco and Bibi
The plush animals can play heartbeat sound, nature sounds, white noise and 3 calming melodies.
You can adjust the volume yourself by pressing the volume button up or down.
The sound turns off automatically after 10 minutes.
Press the cry sensor button, when activated the small LED light will light up. The sensor will be activated for 12 hours. It will activate the last played song.
The sound sensor will be activated upon crying. This means that there should be a significant amount of sound. We advise to place the module within 60 cm of your child to be able to pick up enough sound to activate. With or without the plush will make a difference, without plush the module will activate more quickly.
Yes. The sensor can be turned on or off as desired.
The plush is washable in the machine but remove the heartbeat module beforehand.

FAQ Phoebe and Bruno
Press the shield as many times until you reach your favorite song.
Keep the shield pressed as long as you are recording. When you let go, the recording will stop.
On the side of the module is a small switch to activate the cry sensor. The sensor will stay active for 12 hours.
The sound sensor will be activated upon crying. This means that there should be a significant amount of sound. We advise to place the module within 60 cm of your child to be able to pick up enough sound to activate. With or without the plush will make a difference, without plush the module will activate more quickly.
Which melodies are pre-programmed?
Please visit our product page to listen to the sounds.
Can I use Phoebe/Bruno without sound?
Yes, you can. On the side of the module you find a setting switch which indicates light only.
Is the soft toy washable?
Yes, it is. Please remove the module beforehand.
How long will my recording be saved?
The recording will be kept until a new recording is recorded. The recording will be removed when you turn off the module with the switch on the side.
How long do the batteries last?
Depending on how many times it is activated it should last about 15 hours.

FAQ Zoe the penguin
Please check if the small button on the right side is switched to the music note and not towards the phone icon. Then the melodies won’t play.
Zoe will automatically shut off after 20 minutes. Sound as well as music.
Switch the small button on the right side to the phone icon. The wireless speaker is now active. Check the Bluetooth menu of our phone and look for ZAZU-ZOE. Press connect. You can now play your songs.
When you use Zoe as a speaker, you change the volume on your phone, not on Zoe.
Press the cry sensor button, when activated the small LED light will light up. The sensor will be activated for 12 hours. It will activate the last played song.
The sound sensor will be activated upon crying. This means that there should be a significant amount of sound. We advise to place the module within 60 cm of your child to be able to pick up enough sound to activate.